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The Love Fix

Jul 28, 2023

Sherry and Carla take a Love Fix Question from a listener who is tired of dating, is feeling burnt out, and wondering if they should take a break from the dating scene or keep plugging away. They then welcome guest Ana Maria, who is not the typical standard template kind of life coach. Ana Maria is a healing strategist...

Jul 21, 2023

First, Carla and Sherry connect over their shared passion for electric music and offer a glimpse into their upcoming group coaching program, designed to help individuals forge a path towards healthy relationships. They address a listener's Love Fix Question about recognizing the right time to end an unhealthy...

Jul 14, 2023

The gals start out highlighting great life lessons from past relationships, and then take a Love Fix question from a listener looking for information on how to tell if someone may be an addict out there in the dating world. They then welcome Kat Zammuto, an artist with a passion for multiple creative fields. Kat’s...

Jul 7, 2023

Carla shows Sherry a picture that takes her breath away, and then they take a Love Fix question from a listener who is dating a guy who said he gets bored easily, and it’s making her feel insecure and unsure of what to do next. They then welcome Kasturi M, a relationship coach and Marriage and Family Therapist based...